Providing the company with a legal and/or mailing address for
The most companies registered in Norway need to have legal and postal addresses. If you do not have such an address or your business does not require a physical office, you can rent both of these addresses. If you choose us as provider for this service, your company will receive an official address in Norway , as well as immediate access to all correspondence delivered by the Norwegian Post.

NOK 1000.00 + 25% VAT
Fill in your details after choosing your preferred interface language.
The system will generate all the necessary documents. You just have to sign them and send them to the office of our company in the system or by e-mail. We will do the rest. If any questions remained, feel free to e-mail specialists by

Order the Service Right Now
Fill out the form on our website and follow the simple instructions generated by

We will do everything for you
We will prepare all the necessary documents and complete all registration processes.
You can always contact support if necessary.
We will be happy to help you.

Done. Gain your result.
Our specialists will e-mail you as soon as the official registration procedure is completed.
Good luck with your business.
Do you have any questions
Process: step by step
- Provide your contacts.
- Pay for the service you choose in a convenient way.
- Fill out the questionnaire. Thus, you provide the information necessary for the preparation of a rental and updated registration documents of your company (relevant in case of changing an existing address in Norway).
- Sign and download the automatically generated rental and updated registration documents.
- Done. The Registration Center for Legal Entities has updated information on your company. All correspondence addressed to you will come to the address of our office. You will immediately receive copies of all documents. Originals are archived, and you can get them at any convenient time.
What if I accidentally logged out of the service without finishing the schemes?
Nothing. You will be emailed instructions and a link to your profile together with the receipt for payment for the services. Following this link, you can continue registration without losing data.
The link is valid for 30 days
How much does it cost?
Renting a legal and postal address costs NOK 1,000 eks VAT.
The terms of the contract imply payment for 3 months in advance. Therefore, you pay for the first month using the service. At the end of the paid period, you will receive an invoice for the next 3 months.
How and how soon will I receive my correspondence?
Within 2 days after you send us a full package of documents, specialists will send them for official registration.
Can I get back the original documents?
Yes. You need to come to the office for a pre-scheduled meeting, or e-mail us and indicate the desired return option.
Is the address officially registered in the register of legal entities?
If you need an official re-registration of a legal and postal address, you need to use the service “Canging company administration data” or e-mail Norus Accounting AS specialists